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1-05-CV-049053:  Antelope Valley Groundwater Cases (JCCP 4408)

Document #3503:
Type: Request: Dismissal, Partial Without Prejudice (Click here to view document)
Title: As to Joseph Paquin (Roe 1718); Mary Ekstrom (Roe 1030); Jeanne Matsui (Roe 1527); Ellen Vahan (Roe 2089); Shirley Shokran (Roe 556); Ronald Fry (Roe 466); Jose Lozano (Roe 1456); Maria Lozano (Roe 1457); Louis Chostner (Roe 893); George Coger (Roe 915); Randall Blayney (Doe 14); Burton Bros Inc. (Roe 415); Sorrento West Properties Inc. (Roe 377); Harley Hutson (Roe 1254); Mark Thompson (Doe 40); Barry Munz (Doe 115 and Roe 1619); Reva Munz (Roe 1622); Jeffrey Siebert (Doe 228 and Roe 1926); Nancee Sierbert (Doe 229 and Roe 1927); Candace Castellanos (Roe 858) - ONLY 
Author: Dunn, Jeffrey 
Filing date: 03/26/10 
Rosamond Community Services District Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 40

Attached exhibits: